ABUS helps detect patient’s breast cancer in early stage

Sherri Hughes shares her story

Sherri Hughes received normal results from her annual mammogram last year.

However, because she had dense breast tissue, Longstreet Clinic providers appropriately recommended additional screening with our 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS).

As in the case of Sherri, breast cancer can hide in dense breast tissue making it more difficult to detect early-stage cancers with mammography alone. Upon completing her ABUS exam, radiologists detected a tiny suspicious spot less than 4 millimeters in size. After further testing including a biopsy, Sherri was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.

Sherri attributes ABUS with making the difference in her cancer journey because it detected the cancer so early, while it was still contained, and before it had chance to grow or spread before her next mammogram a year later. Sherri is now cancer free! Watch her story below and see how ABUS and the Longstreet Clinic Breast Center made all the difference.

ABUS helps detect patient’s breast cancer in early stage Background Image