Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the way you move your body. It is a fairly common medical condition that affects the lives of approximately one million people in the United States and over five million around the world.
Parkinson’s disease can include a wide range of symptoms and generally exhibits in patients over age 50. And while there is no cure for it, Parkinson’s disease treatment often includes medications that can control many of the symptoms. When those medications either lose efficacy or do not make a real difference in Parkinson’s symptoms, there are other options, including surgical procedures performed by neurosurgeons.
Neurosurgery options and Parkinson’s disease treatments
There is no defined cure for Parkinson’s disease but the goal for treatment is to help control the symptoms. The most recommended treatment for Parkinson’s disease is medication. There are several medicines that can be prescribed to increase the production of dopamine nerve cells in the brain, reducing the occurrence of symptoms.
Modifications to an individual’s lifestyle may also be suggested such as regular exercise, dietary adjustments and sufficient rest. Incorporating physical therapy concentrating on stretch and balance, as well as speech therapy and occupational therapy, into your weekly routine is also encouraged to help ease symptoms. For more severe cases, a surgical procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation may be advised.
Surgery, even that performed by a skilled neurosurgeon should always be weighed carefully, considering the patient’s symptoms and overall health. But those that are candidates for surgery may find lasting and significant relief in the form of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).
DBS utilizes small electrodes, which are implanted in the brain and provide an electrical impulse to deep parts of the brain involved in motor function – which can help counteract many of Parkinson’s symptoms, including tremors.
During DBS surgery, an experienced Longstreet Clinic neurosurgeon will implant an electrode utilizing guided magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and neurophysiological mapping, to pinpoint the correct location. The electrode is connected to wires that lead to an impulse generator (similar to a pacemaker) that is also placed under the collarbone and beneath the skin. An electrode implanted in the left side of the brain will control the symptoms on the right side of the body and vice versa. Some patients may require stimulators on both sides of the brain.
Causes of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease symptoms are stimulated by an abnormality of the nervous system. During Parkinson’s the brain experiences a deficiency of dopamine, a chemical produced in nerve cells. This deficiency deters communication between the two areas of the brain that control an individual’s motor abilities.
The degenerative condition generates a strain in muscle movement, impairs coordination and creates a shakiness of limbs. As the disease progresses an individual may experience difficulty walking, talking and completing other everyday tasks such as opening a container, pressing a button or turning a knob.
Although the exact cause of Parkinson’s disease remains unknown, it is presumed that there are contributing factors. Alterations of inherited genes may attribute to the development of Parkinson’s disease. Also, the continual exposure to certain environmental features and toxins such as herbicides and pesticides may increase an individual’s risk by hindering the production of dopamine cells. In many incidences among those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, physicians have discovered abnormal spots in brain cells called “Lewy bodies.” The significance of the cell irregularity is currently being researched but the presence of A-synuclein, a natural protein, is deemed important.
Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
The symptoms for Parkinson’s disease initially occur on one side of the body with involuntary movements. As the symptoms vary for each individual, earlier signs are not as apparent and may go unnoticed until the disease progresses.
Symptoms begin to occur gradually with progression possibly moving to both sides of the body. There are several most commonly identified signs for Parkinson’s disease symptoms including:
- Trembling of the limbs – may worsen as the individual becomes stressed or excited
- Sluggish Movements
- Stiffness of Muscles – also can cause pain during range of motion
- Stooped Posture
- Impaired Coordination and Balance
- Speech Impediments
- Change in Writing – typically generated by shaky hand and fingers
There are also various mild symptoms an individual may experience but not recognize until they become more prominent. This generally occurs with automatic bodily functions such as difficulty blinking, smiling or swallowing and may stimulate constipation and excessive saliva.
To learn more about our Parkinson’s disease treatment options, contact Longstreet Clinic at 678-207-4100.